Wave Rebel!
Did you guys know I am a Champion Boogy Boarder…in the making?! As a Cali native & water sign (Scorpio), I do love being at the beach, yet had not been on a board since I was probably 6. On a weekend Sunday Fun Day to San Diego, I found myself using someone’s boogy board…& having the time of my life! Luckily, the water temperature was about 75, so completely comfortable for a newbie like myself…aka, no wetsuit, nada. Just my swimsuit. We hit up a dog beach in Ocean Beach, CA, about 20 miles from the international border & being able to try out this sport for the 1st time surrounded by adorable doggies at the ready to rescue me, or give me imaginary support, really made all the difference. One cutie even stayed with my board til I got close enough to grab it, hehe…
It’s quite the feeling to watch for a potentially great wave coming at you & jumping onto the board, to then find yourself (somewhat) high on top of the water.
I have a long way to go, there’s quite a bit to learn, surprisingly, on a boogy board. I still want to master getting further out into the water (A little more than waist length in the water is ideal…I stayed way closer to shore) & paddle better; my upper body strength is rather non-existent, so most of my movement came from my lower legs, & I can tell once I get the arms flapping good, I will have way better control (& maybe tone my arms?!).
Another reason to get farther out into the sea to catch those waves…is so you don’t have an injury! Since my first lesson, I have had a horrible time walking as my big toe is black & blue from landing wrong onto the shore after my first big tide…grrr. You live & learn, no?! It has shown me though that this is a sport I want to pursue, as I cannot wait for this to be healed & I can hopefully hit the waves again asap!
I still need to get a wetsuit & board. If anyone has any advice for me, I am all ears! xo
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