The Verdict Is In…My Dog Loves VetIQ Minties & Vitamin Chews!
With Hammond being the Official Mascot of Along Comes Mary, I got to thinking how fun it would be to feature some dog products on the blog, I am always in search of great brands to work with & for me to try new things, so isn’t it natural to want Hammy in on the fun?! I got in touch with Anne Hogan, PR Extraordinaire for VetIQ products & she was able to send Hammy their Minties & Vitamin Chews.
My puppy never fails to surprise me. I thought for sure he would attack & eat up the vitamin treats, with chicken liver & lots of nutrients for their overall health, like the video below explains. Nope. He is all about the Minties, the dental treat that makes your canine’s breath minty fresh (That always sounded funny to me, but now having a dog, I understand how important their oral health is & they’re at just as much risk for gum disease.)
Growing up, my Mommy was on me to take vitamins, & I want my son…er, dog, to get his, too. Luckily, he thinks he’s so smart but I have tucked a vitamin chew or two in with his kibble at breakfast & he eats it right up
Since those big eyes stare at me when I have dessert, I have made Minties his, & as you can see, I think he is enjoying them…..
VetIQ also is a leading brand for tick/flea prevention, with their line of VetGuard. This is something I keep a very close eye on as when I found Hammond, he was covered in bugs & needed immediate treatment. You can even get a dollar off when you LIKE them on Facebook, & subscribe to their newsletter for other offers, click here to join!
I am so happy Hammy got to try these products, & with VetIQ so easy to find at stores, we plan to keep buying them!
(Disclosure: I was provided complimentary VetIQ products to review. All opinions are the best that I can translate from my dogs reaction to the treats!)
Susan Cooper/
July 22, 2013 at 5:03 pmThat is cool. I guess my question then is do they have these kind of vitamins for cats?
Along Comes Mary
July 22, 2013 at 8:01 pmThey do, Susan! I totally thought of Samuel