Sheena Metal & The Vagina Monologues: The Lost Interview!
Last month for Valentine’s Day & V-Day, I was thrilled to attend one of LA Talk Radio’s favorite personalities, Sheena Metal’s, production of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, in The Atwater Village. Sheena produced & directed the popular vignette-style play for 3 evenings, with each performance featuring a diverse, notable lineup of talented actresses. Fast forward to about a month later, Sheena & myself have shared many emails regarding an interview for you to learn more about her & the project. Well, after a bit of lag time (aka-busy schedules!) here are the answers to the questions I asked her!:)
What got you involved with V Day?
In 2006, I got a call from a live theatre producer in NYC. They were putting on a production of “The Vagina Monologues” in Manhattan and were looking for some media personalities to round out the cast (they already had a radio host from a New York station). I hadn’t been in a play since college. That show changed my life…and my career.
With your involvement on radio, do you find that helps give you a
platform to spread the word on this important subject, or are the 2 passions
somewhat separate?
It absolutely does. In the entertainment business, everything you do makes
it easy to promote everything else you do. I have wanted to direct/produce
“The Vagina Monologues” since 2007, when I did it here in LA the first time,
but I may not have actually done it as soon had it not been for my LA Talk
Radio shows.
You have some very notable actresses involved. How did they get in on the performances?
Most of them have been guests on mySheena Metal Experience radio show. Those that haven’t, in this show, are company members at Ensemble Studio Theatre Los Angeles, who hosted this year’s show and where I am on the Board of Directors.
I admit that while I am a huge fan of the Vagina Monologues, this will be
my 1st time seeing the play live! What can I expect?
I bet it will turn out to be much more than you expected. It was for me
the first time. If you laugh and cry at least once during the show, I’ve
done my job.
She certainly did her job for me that evening. The stories Ensler has written are at times laugh out loud relatable, while some are so heartbreaking & unthinkable, you just want to scream out loud in shock for what so many women in this world go through.
For more information about The Vagina Monologues & how you can help be one of the billion rising to STOP violence against women, visit A great video to learn more about Eve Ensler can be found here & last but not least, listen to The Sheena Metal Experience by clicking here!;)
March 26, 2013 at 6:01 amWow, this is awesome! So cool that you got to do the interview! I have never seen the VMonologues either, but I have heard so much about them. Awesome post and awesome message! Also, you totally cute in that picture
Along Comes Mary
March 26, 2013 at 6:03 amAwww, thanks Cam! I gotta get my butt up to your hood so we can hang! Deep Tori talks, my friend!;)