Rock Icon, Courtney Love, Returns in Kansas City Choir Boy

While it is unfortunate that some out there scoff when the term, “Rock Icon” is used in the same sentence with Courtney Love, I think that title is well deserved for easily one of the most controversial, hot mess, beautiful sirens from the Alternative 1990s scene.
And, I have been lucky enough to see her twice this year. This time around, on behalf of Along Comes Mary.
While many from that golden era of grunge, smeared lipstick & plaid has vanished, Courtney Love is one of the celebrity masters of reinvention. While she has definitely had more than her fair shares of downs with addiction, legal trouble & turmoil, Courtney is that rare star who somehow always manages to come back out on top, & her current go-round seems to be an image that is here to stay.

Enter: Kansas City Choir Boy.
Fresh off the heels from a tour with self proclaimed “Gangster Nancy Sinatra”, Lana Del Rey, Love wasted no time to dive into her passion away from rock goddess: That of theatrical performer. While she’s a critically acclaimed screen actress with a Golden Globe nomination under her belt, LA audiences are in for a rare treat when they see her in Kansas City Choir Boy. A rock musical written by, as well as co-starring, writer/musician/theatre darling, Todd Almond.
A love song for the computer age and a product of the 24-hour news cycle that feeds on the stories of the anonymous “missing.” A contemporary music-theatre work about love altered by unexpected fate, the show tells the story of two lovers in small town America who separate when one goes in search of her destiny and then disappears. Borrowing themes from ancient myth, the show is also joined by a chorus of sirens, and a string quartet with Musical Direction by David Bloom.
Following a sold-out run in New York, Kansas City Choir Boy is playing at The Kirk Douglas Theatre (with The Center Theatre Group) through November 8th. Tickets are selling out, so get yours now HERE.
(*Disclosure: I am seeing this production on behalf of this blog. All opinions are my own.)
footnotes and finds
October 26, 2015 at 1:17 pmI also have loved Courtney Love on Empire, it was surprising to see her on the show but also refreshing!