My Word for 2014….

Last year, I chose the word, Persistence, as my motto to live by. Going back and reading that entry, I was really proud of myself that I accomplished a lot of what I wrote in that post. Even more, since my life took some pretty cool turns in 2013….“maybe persistence will apply to something not even in my life yet, I hope for many adventures & cannot wait to bring you all along for my ride,” I wrote in January.

“I want to wear my heart on my sleeve & keep looking for a significant other (Oy, I cannot believe I am still saying this…).” Fast forward to now, I still am pinching myself at the fact that I am dating a pretty awesome guy now. “I want to try to travel & get out there more.” While I haven’t gone on any crazy adventures too far, I did get to San Francisco, Morro Bay, San Diego and countless excursions here in LA…that counts, no?

Now, this year, my word is somewhat simpler….


I was in the middle of a great week this past December; I had just visited with my wonderful friend, Alex, who was here from Portland, things were feeling even more solid with my now-boyfriend, Michael and I found myself  out with one of my dearest friends, Harmony Gerber, on a week night for a birthday dinner. We were drinking the night away, eating Korean BBQ, laughing up a storm, and when we found ourselves with yet another drink (Oh, sake…you devil) and Harmony once again held up her glass and exclaimed, Cheers to me, I thought, what a great word to live by. We had spoken that night of great memories and losing loved ones too soon as well. I felt really blessed for these moments of pleasure. I felt good. I felt happy.

Cheers Coasters, Good Health/Long Life

Thus, Cheers seemed perfect for me this year.

While it may not remind me to accomplish certain things mentioned last year, like finish that school degree, Cheers does remind me to ENJOY myself, because tomorrow is not promised, & I have wanted happiness & fun in my life for as long as I can remember.

What words or motto do you hope to live by in 2014? Please tell me! xo
