My Inspiring Days at The Lifestyle Blogger Conference: Part 1… #LALLBlog13

Photo: Tomorrow I will be speaking in front of 100 bloggers at a conference. Like them, I got my start with lifestyle blogging. My first online journal was about my travels, and I am proud to say the content can still be found online. Over the last three years, I have monetized my writing and shifted my focus to business blogging and writing website copy. I have helped numerous businesses leverage their industry know-how into blogs to build their following with respect and admiration. Along the way I have picked up some tips that I will share below. My newsletter goes out today at 11 am.Click here and sign up to read more... send me support, and wish me luck tomorrow!

This past weekend the 3rd Annual Lifestyle Blogger Conference & Blogger Junket went down. If you’re a blogger or in social media/PR, this was the event to be at to get straight forward tips, secrets & advice from some of the top Social Media Strategists in the country. These are the pioneers who have known before the rest of us where this digital, social networking world was heading. Now, with literally billions of bloggers out there trying to make it, those looking to make it their career, like myself, need the tools & tips of the trade from the best to hone their skills to make their vision a reality. Thank the blogger lords for founder of the conference, Ana Lydia Monaco. Ana Lydia, a master in PR & fashion has created a conference that showcases some of the top business people in the world of Blogging, PR/Social Media, photography, fashion & beyond.

Ana Lydia, who is a proud Latina, works her butt off to see that those from all backgrounds & walks of life are recognized for their extraordinary talents & not the color of their skin.. I admit that prior to attending LALLBlog13, I didn’t realize how wonderfully diverse every speaker would be. Each keynote speaker & panel discussion left me with enough knowledge to get my creative juices flowing for weeks. I felt challenged, excited, educated, anxious & informed as each speaker shared their story. Something that truly resonated in me with every single person that I had the pleasure of hearing talk was this: They have been me. I can be them. Everyone who has reached the top of their game & are making it in the social media platform has been rejected, let down, scared, nervous. But, they kept going because there was no other choice. At first as all this information was being delivered to me, I did feel intimidated. Hearing the numbers & success of fellow bloggers certainly can make us all feel like, D’oh! How the heck am I going to get there? But just remember what keynote speaker, Angela Dean (pictured right. Photo by Ana Lydia), fashion designer & creator of Madonna’s cone bra (Yes, that Madonna. That cone bra) has remembered her mom telling her, “You can do anything.” or Marie Denee, fashion Expert, Blogger & Consultant for Nordstrom, said it best, “There is no ceiling. Those who say no are just the gatekeepers.”

My notebook (not to mention brain) is loaded with ideas & things I need to be thinking about with where I want Along Comes Mary to go. Since a good bulk of my readership are also bloggers, I have opened up my notebook to read through my notes & jots to share with you in a series of 3 posts. I felt like all my friends I know & have met from the blogsphere were there with me….although a great bunch were, so many were not & I hope what I am about to share with you gets your head spinning, your ideas flowing & make you even more determined to reach your own blogging & writing goals.


Digital Strategist Vicky Ayala (above, 2nd from left with Saturday speakers Lee Reyes-Fournier, Chris Lam & Stephanie O’Dea. Courtesy of Chris Lam) came all the way from New Jersey to be with us & explain her tech savviness during her workshop on a blogging business plan. Here are some of the things I took away from her:

Along with a business plan, you need to outline. Outline your vision. Is blogging a career or hobby for you? A hobby means its your own personal, fun outlet that you’re passionate for & more do just for the sake of your wanting to with no long-term goals other than to enjoy yourself. A career usually indicates showing your best professional self & creating a structure. This gets back to outlining your vision & long-term plan. Vicky also believes that BLOG stands for this (I thought this was so clever): Branding, Logistics, Organization & Goals. Figure out what those words mean to you. Some of hers were visual engagement, positioning authority: How are you standing out? What do you want your readers to walk away with from you? Being original is also key, vary up your words, phrases. Be authentic (She recommends The Saurus if you’re stumped for more unusual words to express yourself). Own your domain/URL! This was a great way to think about web-hosting that she recommends: The hosting is your property, your web-page is your home on that property.

Since I don’t want to overwhelm you, or make this too much of a lengthy post, there will be a part 2 later this week. Anything you’re wondering about #LALLBlog13?


  1. Susan Cooper/

    April 29, 2013 at 4:57 pm

    OH MY GOODNESS, I do wish I had been there. This sounded like an amazing experience that I would enjoyed. . We need to talk more often about stuff like this, don’t you think.

    1. Along Comes Mary

      April 29, 2013 at 5:14 pm

      Yes. If anything to keep us on the right track!

  2. Pride in Photos Photography

    April 29, 2013 at 5:05 pm

    What a great event! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us.

    1. Along Comes Mary

      April 29, 2013 at 5:13 pm

      You’re welcome! More to come…

  3. Ana Lydia Ochoa-Monaco

    April 29, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    Thank you for joining us Mary!! I am SOO glad that you took away some key learnings – cheers to your success!

    1. Along Comes Mary

      April 29, 2013 at 5:13 pm

      You’re my new role model, just sayin’ 😉

  4. Laura Medina-Filipowicz

    April 29, 2013 at 5:25 pm

    I am planning on attending next year 🙂

  5. Ann

    April 29, 2013 at 6:58 pm

    I can’t wait to hear more. I’m glad I was able to attend Saturday’s event, but want to know everything that I might have missed.

  6. Melissa Burton

    April 29, 2013 at 8:55 pm


    Thanks for an intro recap. Can’t wait to hear the rest. Wish I could have been there. Nice to hear that there was some East Coast love in the house (I just moved to LA from NYC in July).

    Nice to have met you at the SITS Girls event last week!

  7. Cynthia @kindasillymommy

    May 1, 2013 at 4:57 pm

    Thank you for the recap! I am looking forward to reading all posts about the conference, I was so disappointed when my plans to go, fell apart. Until next year..

    1. Along Comes Mary

      May 1, 2013 at 7:39 pm

      I am so sorry I was unable to see you, Cynthia. Life works in funny ways sometimes 🙁 Look for part 2 tonight! xo

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