My 5 Must Watch Movies this Summer! #DataAndAMovie
(This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser, Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #DataAndAMovie #CollectiveBias)
I cannot believe I am about to say this, but, IT’S JUNE! Where has half of 2016 gone?! Not that I mind welcoming the Summer months to come. While we have some fun stuff in the works, you know what one of my favorite past times is, especially during Summer? Just chill-laxing at home in the evening after a hot day, and watching a movie. Mike and I love film, yet, have seen vastly different genres over the years and, now, we’re attempting to join those forces together (see a movie reference there?!) and watch some of our favorites that we still have yet to see.
With so many video streaming services available, we love to take advantage of trying them out and see which has the best selection for seeing the movies on our lists. Our newest favorite? VUDU…..
How did we discover VUDU? Good question! 😉
Mike was on me that while its great Along Comes Mary is thriving…..I am on my phone. A lot. And, when one is using their phone for everything (Pictures, internet, emailing, music, fitness tracking, etc), you are going to use up your data. This is when I headed to Walmart to check out the Walmart Family Mobile Plus Plan. Not only am I getting unlimited Talk, Text, Data 10GB 4G LTE but, also? A free movie (rental (new release = $7 value) on VUDU every month, per line for $49.88. Not too shabby, no?
We’ve already began a list of movies to check out this Summer, courtesy of VUDU. So far, our top 5 must-watch movies this Summer are:
How much you wanna bet this is a Mike favorite that I have not seen?
A Spike Lee film that always reminds me of hot evenings in the city in the Summer, when everyone has their windows open to try to escape the heat. I was really surprised to discover Mike has yet to see this one.
I grew up loving this 1940s classic! It stars Katherine Hepburn meets Cary Grant and turns his world upside down the day before he is to be married when she enlists in his assistance to help her when she finds herself left with a pet leopard!

I know. This is bad, folks, that I have not seen Indy Jones yet! Thanks to VUDU, this will change 😉
My Girl we have both seen. BUT, it captures coming of age in Summertime so heartbreakingly well. Am I right?
Being able to “kill two birds with one stone” and not only get a free VUDU rental a month, but, also an ideal phone plan and bonus phone has helped me feel confidant about using data. With my Cool Pad Rogue (Which was just $19.88 thanks to a rollback from $39.83), I have also been super impressed that its battery life lasts up to six hours.
My out-of-pocket cost was also really low compared to other prepaid carriers; I simply purchased their Family Mobile Starter Kit, and, since Family Mobile bills you later, you only have to pay the $19.88 to get started when you sign up. How could I pass up these deals?!
Whether you are a parent looking for a phone for your child, someone like moi needing extra data, or you just need a new phone, The Walmart Family Mobile PLUS = Unlimited Talk, Text, Data; 10GB 4G LTE plus a free movie is definitely the way to go. No contracts, data on your terms AND a free movie rental. Ba bam!
What are some of your must-see movies this Summer?! xo
(Disclaimer: All prices for phones and plans included in this post are accurate as of the date of posting; however, these prices are subject to change. Please refer to or your local Walmart for current pricing.)
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