A Month of Thanks: Week 1
Despite it’s very cliché for all of our Facebook news feeds to be filled with friends daily “Thankful” posts every year in November for each day, I have decided to jump on the bandwagon as its never a bad idea to remind yourself of what you have, & hopefully inspire those around you to do the same. So, for each Friday this month, I will be devoting my post to recapping what I am happy & blessed for on that day, saying THANKS to the universe for what I have in my life. I hope it makes you want to think about what you have in your life, too
Day 1) I’m so thankful how accepting & loving my boyfriends friends & family have been to me; I came out of nowhere last year yet everyone in his life have welcomed me with open arms.
Day 2) I’m so thankful for the opportunity to move into a townhouse with Michael. Even though it’s easily been the most stressful of times for us, I have never been happier & I am so proud of Michael for becoming a homeowner before he’s even 30, & for bringing me along for the ride.
Day 3) I’m thankful for my car. It gets me where I need to go, when I need to.
Day 4) I’m extremely thankful for my health insurance. I don’t utilize it as much as I should, but, when I do need to run to the Dr., I don’t have to worry about not being covered.
Day 5) I’m so thankful for my Mother. She’s always there for me, even when she’s driving me crazy.
Day 6) I’m incredibly thankful for Hammy, my dog! When I feel like crap or have had a long day, there is nothing better than coming home to a 4 legged, black fur ball ecstatic to see you open the door.
Day 7) I’m thankful for “me” time. I am leaving today for a quick road trip up north, on my own. I was sad at first at the thought of going on my own, scrambling to invite someone along, then decided I could use some alone time to get in touch with myself.
And, there you have it. Have a wonderful weekend, my friends! xo
Susan Cooper
November 9, 2014 at 7:01 amHi Mary
I love the Winnie the Pooh picture you included. That really kind of sums it up doesn’t it? Whatever day it is, we should be thankful we have another day and make it our favorite. One of the things I am thankful for is the wonderful blogger friends I have met, including you! May you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving with your new friends and family.