Little Miss Sunshine….I got #TheSunshineAward!
One of my favorite bloggers, Carolyn West, has just given me The Sunshine Award! As you might be familiar with, bloggers often nominate others they admire for awards like The Liebster, or this one. I am always SO excited when I receive an award like this as it shows me I am doing some good stuff on ACM & that others are out there enjoying my little reports & giggles. Since I accept this award, I will answer Carolyn’s questions & pass on the award, here’s how it works:
- Include the Award Logo in your blog post (Do you see that big photo above?)
- Link to the person who nominated you (Done)
- Answer 10 questions about yourself (See below)
- Nominate 10 bloggers and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
(I am not a fan of this photo as far as me, but Carolyn looks awesome!)
Carolyn’s Questions:
1. If you couldn’t blog anymore, what would your “outlet” be?
I say this often (I even talked with Carolyn about it when we first met), I have always loved poetry & writing. That was my outlet for years. Not s much anymore, so if I didn’t have the blog, I would probably pursue that more (but, I want to anyways.)
2. If you could go to a spa and get any treatment they provided, what would you get?
I did pretty well a few weeks ago at Burke Williams
3. If you could go back in time, would you have followed a different career path than you did? What would it be?
No, I have had several careers already & have benefited from trying to be open as that’s how I have had a variety of great opportunities.
4. You can plan any type of vacation you want. Would you want relaxing or adventurous?
I really want to get to Europe, so that will be adventurous.
5. What food do you hide from your kids and sneak after they go to bed?
If I had kids, it would probably be the occasional cherry coke I love. I cannot stand what’s in sodas, regular or diet, though, so I don’t wouldn’t want my kids drinking it.
6. What TV show (that is currently on) are you addicted to?
New Girl!
7. What was the best book you’ve ever read?
This may seem like a naïve, or odd pick, but Shop Girl by Steve Martin spoke to me like no other book when I first read it at 20, 21. I can relate so well to its heroine, Mirabelle & even more so at that time because I worked in a gift shop.
8. Do you play a musical instrument? If not, what would you play if you could?
I do not, but would love to wake up & know the cello.
9. What was the first and last concert you’ve been to?
My first was Dido in 2001 (“And Iiiii want to thank you…”) & my last was FYF in LA last week.
10. What is your favorite holiday?
I love Halloween & the 4th of July.
I hereby nominate some of my favorite blogs, check out each & you will see a wonderful, eclectic variety…..
History from a Woman’s Perspective
My Questions, inspired from each of the nominated blogs:
1) What has been your hardest lession?
2) What was your favorite school field trip growing up?
3) What are you a huge fan of that you hope your child will also love?
4) if you ever got a tattoo, what would it be?
5) If you could travel anywhere, where & why?
6) If you were forced to give up your most favorite food, what would you try to eat more of?
7) If you could have lunch with any historical female figure, who would you want to hang with & where would you have lunch?
8) If your life were a musical, what song would play when you entered a room?
9) What song makes you feel happy?
10) What song represents you?
Cannot wait to read your answers! xo
Susan Cooper
August 29, 2013 at 9:06 amCongratulations on such a wonderfully deserved award. Europe is a wonderful vacation spot and definitely one to add to your bucket list.
Along Comes Mary
August 30, 2013 at 5:23 pmThanks, Susan! I know, your stories from Norway were great…I am sure I will kick myself for not getting to Europe sooner when I finally go