Learn to Love Your Body, & WIN a Fabulous Prize Pack from Becky Reese! Extended Deadline! #SexyMomsRun
(*Disclosure: This is not a paid post, but in exchange for Becky Reese’s guest post & awesome giveaway to my readers, I am also receiving swag from Becky’s line.)
While I am not a Mother (yet??!), when I was asked if I would like to participate in Becky Reese’s new venture, The Sexy Mom’s Running Club, I thought what a great opportunity for ALL of us girls to get off the couch & get in shape. While I have many friends who are Moms & I know what a challenge they face having little ones, I also thought of my Mother & how much she sacrificed taking care of me. She made me her full-time job & I bet given the opportunity like Becky is making for moms, mine would have been excited to join in, too.
What Becky is doing over the course of 4 weeks is picking out some of the top bloggers in the blogsphere to help get the word out on The Running Club & hosting wonderful guest posts on our pages. Since its been a lifelong struggle for me to feel confidant in my own skin (Getting better, everyday), I wanted to choose week 1 to feature this Mother of 5’s words of wisdom. I will definitely be taking her tips to heart….while checking out the adorable apparel she also has to make our workouts even MORE fun…I may never wear an old tee & jog pants again
“Love your body! By Becky Reese
This has been a crazy summer for me. I’m a mom of five whose family decided over Christmas that we would sell our three houses in Michigan and move across the country to Austin, Texas. I have to say there are days when I am just exhausted. With the kids and training for three upcoming half marathons plus moving, sometimes I just don’t recognize myself. I wake up and I look in the mirror and I don’t like what I see. I’m here to tell you that we all have those feelings! Here are some quick ways to get over them fast:
*MOVE–EXERCISE! If you are really in a slump, join a gym and get a trainer. Otherwise, lace up your shoes, step out the door and start moving! I feel best when I bring my dogs with me.
*Put on some makeup. When you get dressed up to go out for dinner you put on your makeup, so why not do the same when you are around the house! I always feel great with my makeup on, so now I have started wearing my makeup all the time. Even a little lip gloss brightens my day!
*Go to lunch with an old friend. Yep, you heard me. Get dolled up and head to lunch with someone you have not talked with for a while! It’s great fun to reminisce about old times and laughing is proven to make you feel better
*SMILE! Here’s the easiest one on the list. Ever notice how just a smile at the grocery checkout lady or the mailman or the UPS driver just brightens their day? I can usually see it—which tells me that when I’m not feeling well and I share a smile, people are going to smile back and make me feel good.
*Volunteer. I’m not sure anything can make someone feel better than volunteering or raising money to help a worthy cause. You think that sounds crazy? Go help at your local nursing home—it will be one day that you won’t forget. You will not only change your life, but those whom you met in just one day.”
Now, if you PROMISE to make running, walking, any activity you love more apart of your life, listen up! Becky has more so generous to me by offering a great prize package to one lucky reader of mine, here’s what’s up for grabs:
* An item of your choice from Becky Reese’s apparel line
*And, a $50 gift card good for any paid content on SexyMomsRunningClub.com (paid content will be available after Phase 2 launch in the fall).
To enter, simply do the following:
*Leave me a comment telling me what you would like from the apparel line.
For additional entries, just mosey on over to Sexy Mom’s Running Club’s Facebook page & LIKE them, Follow on Twitter & LIKE Along Comes Mary on Facebook.
This will get you a total of FOUR entries Make sure you let me know you completed these tasks, enter by August 3rd & as always, take a peek at my Sweepstakes tab.
Good Luck!!! xo
(Above: Image from The Sexy Moms Running Club web-site, & Becky.)
(*Disclosure: This is not a paid post, but in exchange for Becky Reese’s guest post & awesome giveaway to my readers, I am also receiving swag from Becky’s line.)
Susan Cooper
July 18, 2013 at 10:33 amThese are such great tips for not just tired moms but tired women everywhere. I know how rejuvenating it is to spend a hour with a friend catching up at lunch.
July 18, 2013 at 11:08 amI love the Morgan dress! I am a fan of dresses that allow me to ‘be normal’ and as active as I would on a regular basis! (And I just moved cross-country after selling two properties — I’m back home in SoCal but I am not yet back in my workout routine as we’re living in an RV until we get into our new house in 2 weeks. Then I’m sure unpacking will keep me too busy for a while…) Great line of clothing and jewelry!
Julie Suarez @ wrongwaypeachfuzz
July 18, 2013 at 11:17 amI would love some new running clothes, I like the Sara dress. How cool is this idea!?!?
Thanks for the awesome review and introducing me to this company
Julie Suarez @ wrongwaypeachfuzz
July 18, 2013 at 11:17 amI liked Sexy Moms Running Club on FB
Julie Suarez @ wrongwaypeachfuzz
July 18, 2013 at 11:18 amI liked Along Comes Mary on FB
Julie Suarez @ wrongwaypeachfuzz
July 18, 2013 at 11:18 amI follow on twitter
Tisha Berg
July 18, 2013 at 12:47 pmWell, I do a lot of smiling and volunteering and, although it happens much less often than I’d like, I adore going out to lunch or coffee with girlfriends. The makeup thing is hard, since my kids hate when I wear lipstick and refuse to let me kiss them whenever I come home with it on!
Lastly, I have joined a gym, so I’m definitely going to get working on the exercise part soon.
July 24, 2013 at 10:11 amBe careful hanging out with Sexy Moms Running Club. In 2011, I was at a running expo for the Chicago Rock n Roll Half. Two girls came up to me. They asked me to sign up for their running club. When I saw it was for Moms, I said, “Oh no. I’m not a Mom.” They smiled and said “That’s okay”. I reluctantly signed up and they gave me a free water bottle. That night at dinner I told my husband the story. We both laughed. The next day, I started thinking about it… I took a pregnancy test that afternoon and found out I was 5 weeks pregnant!!! I ran the half the next day. I can’t help but think that water bottle had something to do with it
July 24, 2013 at 9:54 pmI am not a mom, but I still find these to be great tips!
July 24, 2013 at 9:54 pmI love the Lauren Pant! cuteness
July 24, 2013 at 9:55 pmI like the Sexy Mom’s Running Club’s Facebook page
July 24, 2013 at 9:55 pmI LIKE Along Comes Mary on Facebook.
July 24, 2013 at 9:57 pmI follow @SexyMomsRun on Twitter (and YOU too)
Tricia Andrews
August 1, 2013 at 3:36 amI love the Madison dress!
Tricia Andrews
August 1, 2013 at 3:37 amI follow SexyMomsRun on Twitter – @TriciaInRaleigh
Tricia Andrews
August 1, 2013 at 3:38 amI follow Along Comes Mary on FB – Tricia Gatte Andrews
Tricia Andrews
August 1, 2013 at 3:39 amI like Sexy Moms Running club on FB – Tricia Gatte Andrews
Shani (@shanifer3)
August 1, 2013 at 4:31 amI would like the Morgan dress.
Tari Lawson
August 1, 2013 at 4:35 amI would like the The Sara Dress.
August 1, 2013 at 2:46 pmThe Sexy Mom’s necklace
REbecca Peters
August 2, 2013 at 8:19 amI like the carol top
REbecca Peters
August 2, 2013 at 8:21 amI like sexy moms run on fb as Becca Ann Peters
REbecca Peters
August 2, 2013 at 8:23 amI like you on fb.. Becca ann peters
Karrie Millheim
August 2, 2013 at 9:27 pmI love the The Lauren Pant
joseph gersch jr
August 3, 2013 at 2:08 ami would get The Madison Dress for my wife
joseph gersch jr
August 3, 2013 at 2:10 amliked Sexy Mom’s Running Club’s Facebook page
August 3, 2013 at 6:43 pmI would like the Lauren Pant.