Blog Hop: 4 Answers on the Writing Process.
Well, this has been too long of a time coming. A few weeks ago, when one of my favorite bloggers & friend, Susan Cooper, asked me if I wanted to participate in a writing process blog hop, I barely read the fine print. I was at Expo West, & anything involving Susan I know will be good, so I eagerly replied, Sure! Then, I had to find 3 bloggers to tag…easy, right? Actually, no. I had friends sho interest, say they would, not get back to me, decide against it. All fine, I just felt in a pickle. Susan came to my rescue with a blogger buddy interested as did my dear friend, Stacie, then, guess what? I have had no energy from Bronchitis all week. Fun! =P
Still sniffly, but at-least able to type up something coherent once again, here, at last, is my post regarding what the writing process is like for me! I hope you enjoy…this has been in the making for a while now First off, a little more about Susan:
Susan is by nature a storyteller & teacher who makes her home in Northern California with her husband, her greatest cheerleader and food coach, and her cat Samuel who watches everything she does.
Susan’s work now allows her the opportunity to share the stories she uses to teach and the lessons she’s learned in life and in the workplace. It has rekindled her passion for drawing, which she now offers for purchase in different forms. Susan loves to cook, so it was natural that she would share all the fun & easy recipes she develops or finds on this website with a cookbook currently in the works. Last but not least is her ever popular Art Page where she demonstrates how she creates her drawings. She also provides training and coaches others on how to market and used different tools to promote themselves, their brand and/or their website.
What makes this all the more interesting is she dyslexic. So the act of writing for Susan is a serious challenge. It often takes her four times longer to create an article then it does for others without this disability. She will tell you she has never been one to shy away from a challenge and works hard to overcome her dyslexic eye to deliver a quality & entertaining product. As a testament to her efforts, she is now a published author with more books on the way. When you have moment, take a look at her book, Lessons From An Ordinary Life.
You can connect with Susan on: Finding Our Way Now
Amazon Author Page
Facebook page
Now, my ‘interview’:
1) What am I working on?
This weekend will be a bit of a milestone for Along Comes Mary; I am headed to Northern California to stay at The Hofsas House Hotel in Carmel on behalf of the blog. Travel features & expanding out of Southern California has been a goal, & now, that door is opening. So, look for many features in the coming weeks about all I do there!
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I got a wonderful compliment from a products’ PR person just the other day; she feels my blog is vast, about my life & covers more than product reviews, apparently she has seen a lot of blogs with only product highlights. While I love doing features on products I love, its a balance with other adventures I am always looking to have on ACM & that made me feel validated.
3) Why do I write what I do?
I love to have fun & get out there, try new things, go to the theatre, see a new area, ask anyone. I also have had a lifelong passion for writing, so ACM has become a natural fit for my personality & loves.
4) How does your writing process work?
I don’t know if I have a ‘process’, per se. I wrote a post recently that spoke of my writers block, & times you think I would have ideas flowing, I do not at all. Then, a moment watching something silly on TV or hearing my boyfriend play video games in the background will all of a sudden wake me up. So, perhaps my process is just going about my business!
To keep this writing process blog hop going, I’ve tagged two amazing writers & bloggers, check ’em out!
Anastasia Warriner:
Mary has known Anastasia, who is the brains behind the blog Mischief Managed, for nearly 13 years! Although they have yet to meet face to face, their friendship grew via pen palling & Mary thinks she’s one of the coolest cats around. She blogs about her adventures in motherhood, things that she is passionate about, as well as keeping in touch with her nerdy side.
You can also connect with Stacie at Facebook.
Pat Ruppel:
Is it possible to make a difference in the world? Pat believes there is. One way is through writing to inspire and warm the heart. That’s what she hopes to do on her site at “Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom ” by extending trust in sharing personal kitchen-table stories. People always seem more comfortable wherever food and drinks are served, whether inside where it’s warm and cozy or out on the patio. We go to where we’re most relaxed to catch up on the latest with family and friends or open up to explore conversations with new people. That’s when magic happens. Pat believes, if we could find common ground and talk, whether it’s around a kitchen table or in writing a story, anything is possible.
If there are problems or life issues, she thinks most could be resolved, if we could find where we most identify with one another and trust to tell our story.
Connect with Pat at:
Plain Talk & Ordinary Wisdom
March 21, 2014 at 4:08 pmThank you, Mary, for inviting me to join your blog hop. I’m honored to be included. Hope you are feeling better soon.
March 21, 2014 at 4:16 pmThanks again for your patience, Pat!
March 26, 2014 at 9:53 pmHi Mary – wanted to let you know I posted my Writing Process Blog Hop post and featured you as the one who invited me. The link is:
Thanks again for including me in your blog hop.
March 27, 2014 at 10:32 pmYay, Pat!! Thank you so much! Pleasure to know you.
March 28, 2014 at 12:41 pmLikewise, Mary. I’m glad we met through this blog hop. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and reading what you’re up to.
March 28, 2014 at 3:04 pmHave a great weekend!
Susan Cooper
March 21, 2014 at 4:50 pmWoot! Woot! You’re better, writing and you’re going to Carmel. The best part is you’re now connected with Pat, a very special lady. Life is good. I do love hearing about how others go about writing, don’t you?
March 21, 2014 at 4:52 pmYes indeed, Susan! & I already love Pat, her blog is awesome! Very honored to have her on my blog
March 21, 2014 at 7:49 pmThank you, guys. I’m new over here but I’m already liking it. You’re the best!