Anaheim Ducks vs. LA Kings at The Honda Center!
I have never been much of a sport person, but since I moved to LA, I have found myself enjoying the annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, seeing a Dodgers game, enjoying swimming & body boarding & now, I can say I am an official ICE HOCKEY fan! Thanks to The Smile Generation, I was able to attend my first (& I anticipate myself at more!) hockey game this past weekend at The Honda Center, home of The Anaheim Ducks. It was a gorgeous, Orange County day to be out as we drove over….& I am loving these light evenings
We got to our seats in time to see some of the practice, as well as their famous blimp that flies over the seats…& if you’re extra lucky, might drop you a prize! When it was time for the game to begin, I loved the build up of pop music & light effects…it felt like a rock concert was going to kick off! The game started out with The Ducks getting a goal pretty quickly, he crowd went wild, with many cheering, “Beat LA!” & “GO DUCKS!” There were afew there all decked out in their Kings gear…the 3 goals they scored got equally as many cheers, plus afew boo’s
During intermission, The Smile Generation turned out to the audience in search of the best smiles for their smile cam! These gals looked to be having a great time…
Towards (what seemed to be) the end of the game, The Kings & Ducks ended up at a tie, causing overtime then, even a shootout. Not bad for a first game, eh?! I had never even heard that term, I have since been on-line learning more about the sport….
Those Kings may have The Stanley Cup, but The Ducks definitely have kicked some butt this season, GO MIGHTY DUCKS!
This was such a great, exciting evening. Are you a Hockey fan? I would love to hear if you have been, too!
(Disclosure: I attended the game as a guest of The Smile Generation. I received tickets, a t-shirt and a gift card. The opinions are completely my own and based on my experience.)
April 10, 2013 at 7:12 pmI used to be a HUGE Ducks fan and have been to over 50 games but sadly I haven’t gone in years.
Along Comes Mary
April 10, 2013 at 7:27 pmAw, we should go one day!
Susan Cooper/
April 10, 2013 at 7:22 pmI have never been to a hockey game. I hear they’re a blast. From your article, I now know they are. WOO! HOO!… go ducks.
Along Comes Mary
April 10, 2013 at 7:28 pmThey really are! Another thing about them is, its nice & cool! LOL. Usually, sport events are outside in the sun, which makes me not a big fan!