Anaheim Ducks vs. LA Kings at The Honda Center!

007I have never been much of a sport person, but since I moved to LA, I have found myself enjoying the annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, seeing a Dodgers game, enjoying swimming & body boarding & now, I can say I am an official ICE HOCKEY fan! Thanks to The Smile Generation, I was able to attend my first (& I anticipate myself at more!) hockey game this past weekend at The Honda Center, home of The Anaheim Ducks. It was a gorgeous, Orange County day to be out as we drove over….& I am loving these light evenings 😉


016(The Star Spangled Banner)

We got to our seats in time to see some of the practice, as well as their famous blimp that flies over the seats…& if you’re extra lucky, might drop you a prize! When it was time for the game to begin, I loved the build up of pop music & light effects…it felt like a rock concert was going to kick off! The game started out with The Ducks getting a goal pretty quickly, he crowd went wild, with many cheering, “Beat LA!” & “GO DUCKS!” There were afew there all decked out in their Kings gear…the 3 goals they scored got equally as many cheers, plus afew boo’s 😉

004During intermission, The Smile Generation turned out to the audience in search of the best smiles for their smile cam! These gals looked to be having a great time…


002Towards (what seemed to be) the end of the game, The Kings & Ducks ended up at a tie, causing overtime then, even a shootout. Not bad for a first game, eh?! I had never even heard that term, I have since been on-line learning more about the sport….

033Those Kings may have The Stanley Cup, but The Ducks definitely have kicked some butt this season, GO MIGHTY DUCKS!

041This was such a great, exciting evening.  Are you a Hockey fan? I would love to hear if you have been, too!

(Disclosure: I attended the game as a guest of The Smile Generation. I received tickets, a t-shirt and a gift card. The opinions are completely my own and based on my experience.)


  1. Melanie

    April 10, 2013 at 7:12 pm

    I used to be a HUGE Ducks fan and have been to over 50 games but sadly I haven’t gone in years.

  2. Susan Cooper/

    April 10, 2013 at 7:22 pm

    I have never been to a hockey game. I hear they’re a blast. From your article, I now know they are. WOO! HOO!… go ducks. 🙂

    1. Along Comes Mary

      April 10, 2013 at 7:28 pm

      They really are! Another thing about them is, its nice & cool! LOL. Usually, sport events are outside in the sun, which makes me not a big fan!

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