Along Comes Mary Turns 3!
Today marks an important milestone for me: I have been blogging on Along Comes Mary for 3 years now! Little did I think back when my wonderful & supportive friend, Jamie, from Minnesota Girl in the World, did a mini crash course with me & Erin, now of Horsing Around in LA fame, that I would become so devoted to this little vision of having my very own little outlet to share with you whatever was on my mind.
In these 3 years, I have definitely had ebbs & flows with posting, but never for more than a week. I have remained pretty consistent with posting a minimum of 3 times per week. Pretty good for a self-proclaimed procrastinator, lazy chick

I have photographed Betty White, had Reese Witherspoon as my neighbor at The Dodgers VIP suites, eaten snails, sipped a margarita with a cricket purposely on the lime wedge, chatted with The Travel Channel’s Samantha Brown about writing, seen countless amazing shows like Steve Martin at The Hollywood Bowl, Demi Lovato, The Sunset Strip Music Festival & had the honor of covering such amazing theatre productions at legendary venues including The Pasadena Playhouse & Broad Stage.

One of my biggest passions has been able to come to fruition through blogging, as well: Travel. Any opportunity I get to pack my suitcase, count me in. I’ve been incredibly lucky to so far head to such awesome California destinations like Carmel by the Sea, San Diego & San Jose on behalf of Along Comes Mary.
I’ve also had days I needed to vent, & have poured my heart out to all of you as I discuss my bouts with depression, anxiety & diabetes. Something a lot may not know is that right before I started this page, I had been flat on my ass sick for about a month with a flu that turned out to be a Lupus flare up; I had no idea I even had Lupus, but, after some tests, that tidbit was determined. Giving me a somewhat new take on life that I wanted & needed to do more with myself than be sick & dwell. I began taking an anti-depressant, learning more about Lupus & accepting there will be bad days, from one condition or another.
As most of you know, I take Along Comes Mary very seriously. When I am not working or out of the house, you will usually find me doing some kind of work related to blogging & my newest venture, getting my social media managing business (Is it me, or is that a mouth full?! How can I shorten that?!! Tips?) off the ground. What felt like doom as I am at a cross roads with my day job, could hopefully turn into more magic than black coal, as I already have some clients & am loving every minute as I ensure I know everything possible about handling social media for others. Its exciting.

As I have done on this day of April 11th each year, I just want to say THANK YOU to all who read my little blog & support me so much with my writing. Writing is easily my very first love & passion & I am also finally, seriously considering publishing my book of poems, then from there, maybe a blog-help book. I have so much brewing in my mind to enrich my life & celebrate ME & those I love. I hope you will continue to follow me on my journey! xoxo

Susan Cooper
April 11, 2015 at 1:55 pmAw, congrats on making to the third year. Many don’t. I sure had been a ride huh. Hugs.
April 12, 2015 at 10:04 amThank you so much, Susan!! One of the things I am most grateful for are the friendships like yours i’ve made! <3 xoxo
April 12, 2015 at 6:05 pmWhat an AMAZING three years! I’ve only been blogging for a little over a year in any sort of serious way, and I hope that I’ll be able to look back in three years and say that I’ve had this many adventures. Keep up the awesome work!
April 12, 2015 at 9:56 pmThank you SO much, Natalie! I love your blog!
Alicia Snow
April 12, 2015 at 9:38 pmCongrats on 3 years of consistent blogging! That’s something to be proud of.
April 12, 2015 at 9:57 pmThank you, Alicia!! xo
April 13, 2015 at 10:24 amHappy 3 years! And I’m beyond jealous that you’ve seen Betty White in real life. She’s one of my favorite actresses ever.