2013 Bucket List!
Oy….why am I doing this??!! Usually, I feel if one sets themselves up to do things by a certain timeframe, they’re asking for trouble & should just let things happen as they’re meant to. But, instead of resolutions, & in honor of The Tournament of Roses Parade’s 2013 theme, inspired by the late, great Dr. Seuss, “Oh, The places you’ll go!”, here I go. I would like to share with you a Bucket List of goals I hope to have happen to my in the new year. Perhaps if I feel someone out there is watching over me or, simply by middle of 2013, reminding me, “Hey Mary! Hows Idea #5 coming along for you?!”, I will have that fire in my pants to make things important to me try to HAPPEN.
Here goes…..
1) Keep going to school. Either for my certificate I am currently pursuing….or, switch it up to something even more.
2) Work on more Theatre productions. Hopefully Assistant Stage Manage at-least 2 shows, & *fingers crossed* Stage Manage a show by end of the year.
3) If I decide to move, something on my mind a lot, 3 must-haves or not taking my next place: 1) A/C, 2) Dogs allowed & 3) A designated parking spot.
4) Upgrade to a new camera & take more pictures. (*& in the meantime, keep taking pix with my beloved Fuji Point & Shoot…)
5) Get my Passport.
6) Go to Europe.
7) Get more sponsored blogging opportunities.
9) See more concerts.
10) Go on assignment more for Life in LA, a great web-site I am a contributor for.
11) Worry less.
12) Stay Healthy.
13) Boogy Board.
14) Go more places to blog about! (This is about my adventures, no?!)
15) Go to San Diego with my friends.
16) Go to San Fran.
17) Go to Disneyland.
18) Go anywhere!
19) Meet more of the great people I know via on-line/blogging.
20) Get more interviews for the blog.
21) Be afraid less. Just be!
What are your plans for 2013??:) xoxo!
January 3, 2013 at 4:52 amThose are some great goals! I hope you reach them all!
Along Comes Mary
January 3, 2013 at 5:29 amThanks, Melanie!!!:)
January 3, 2013 at 5:40 amA fun list =)
Stroller Adventures (@StrllrAdvSoCal)
January 3, 2013 at 7:04 amCheering you on, because I know that you are determined and will accomplish these!
Along Comes Mary
January 3, 2013 at 7:35 amThank you SO much, Maribel! You’re so inspiring to me:)
Susan Cooper/findingourwaynow.com
January 3, 2013 at 9:26 pmVery cool resolution (AKA buck list). I wish you all the best at achieving everything you desire the most.
Along Comes Mary
January 3, 2013 at 9:27 pmThank you so much, as always, Susan!:)
July 1, 2013 at 3:52 pmLet’s go boogie boarding in San Diego!
Along Comes Mary
July 1, 2013 at 5:05 pmI have 2!
Whats your time like end of July/August?! I so miss you!
July 1, 2013 at 5:08 pmI’m free on most weekends.
July 1, 2013 at 10:20 pmGood list! I think a lot of them are doable this summer!