12 Days of Christmas Movies: Day 8: It’s A Wonderful Life.
Here it is, friends. The inevitable Almost-A-Day-Late post in the 12 Days of Christmas Movies series. If you’re thinking, How is this post inevitable? Its, because, it is me, friends. I am infamous to be late, procrastinate, all that good stuff.
On that note, today’s choice was originally my Christmas Eve choice, but, I got to thinking: there’s a lot of stress going on this week & you might want to tear your hair out at this point. Thus, why I felt is perfect to remind yourself what a WONDERFUL LIFE this is & a chance to reflect on what you’re thankful for
Easily one of THE most beloved holiday films, or simply, films, of all time, It’s a Wonderful Life tells the story of George Bailey, a man who is in despair on Christmas Eve, & after being told that his insurance policy is worth more if he were dead than alive, George gets drunk, starts a brawl at a bar & later, crashes his car into a tree. He is clearly suicidal. He then meets Clarence, an angel from heaven who is in training to get his wings.
Clarence begins to show George so many poignant, tender memories from his life. George slowly begins to realize that he has, in fact, impacted the lives of many people throughout his life.
By the end of the movie, one of the best & most loved lines, in history, is said, when George’s youngest daughter, Zuzu (how awesome is that name?) tells her father, “Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.”, brining everything George has learned full circle; that he impacts so many people’s lives.
It’s A Wonderful Life is a great film to watch this week. What are you thankful for? What makes your life wonderful? xo
December 22, 2015 at 4:10 pmThanks for the reminder ahead of time. It’s always good to be reminded of what’s wonderful in our lives. I love this movie and, like you mentioned, watch it every Christmas eve. It’s one of my all-time favorites and warms my heart and gets me ready for Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and many blessings in the New Year, Mary!
December 23, 2015 at 4:35 pmWell, I see we had a similar idea. Except you’re getting twelve posts out of it, and I slammed them all together.
http://paulareednancarrow.com/2015/12/20/the-12-movies-of-christmas/. Have a lovely holiday.