10 Tips for a Great Time at 626 Night Market!
After having great success expanding this Summer to Orange County and Downtown LA, The 626 Night Market is at last in full swing back at its roots of Arcadia at The Santa Anita Race Track. Their evenings in July were such a success that they’ve just announced they’ll be expanding to Sundays. I have been looking forward to attending on behalf of the blog for a while now and it was a fun (and delicious) evening.
While some seem to be unfamiliar with just what to expect, I thought I would give not only my thoughts and a run down to make your trip as smooth as possible. Hope it helps!
Parking is free, Mostly….
There’s ample free parking at the adjacent Westfield Mall that you ARE allowed to take advantage of. However, if you prefer to close closer to the action (Which I can definitely see if you have kids in tow), you can park close to the entrance for $5 cash only.
Download the app on your Phone
Just peeking in from the parking lot, you can tell you will be overwhelmed. Luckily, my boyfriend had downloaded their app which is awesome for navigating both food and shop vendors. Most vendor listings on the app will give you detailed info about what they have to offer.
(Cajun butter garlic sauce corn from Cajun Shrimp!)
Get There Early, Stay Late…
It was HOT when we arrived close to opening (4p), but within an hour, it was not that bad. Once you’re good to go on your eatery selections, check out the covered eating area with tables and chairs near the entrance to the right (near a set of restrooms and ATM).
Plenty of Sights to see, so take Food Breaks…
What I really loved about this event is that its got so much food and drinks to check out, but also ART, giving a great Art Walk vibe. The art paint off was so fun to watch, as well as meeting so many local artists each with such a unique vision. Support them! Buy their original work. Some is being made right before your eyes!
They also have great live music to check out, too….
Yes, they sell Alcohol….
In-case you were wondering! Stella Artois and Asabi Beer are on hand, as well as some tequila stands to quench your thirst if you’re over 21.
There’s so much more to Asian Cuisine than Sushi and Noodles…
626 Night Market is a wonderful celebration of Asian communities and their cuisines coming together, yet, I know some may think an Asian Market as a lot of rice bowls, but, there’s Pho, Korean BBQ, Boba, Tofu dishes, Ice cream, Tacos, and yes, if you ARE into sushi, plenty of that, of course!
Bring Cash, just in-case….
Most vendors seemed to accept plastic, but, go old school & have cash on you, in the event you DO encounter a Cash Only stand.
(The famous trademarked Ramen Burger! Mike enjoyed it )
Dress Appropriately!
If you get there before the sun goes down, SPF and hats are the way to go. If you want to bring a sweater or anything else that you might not want to carry around, you can get your hand stamped for re-entry.
It’s a Great Evening for all Ages
While they’re open til 1am, perfect for a date night, they open at 4pm & are completely family friendly. Kiddos under 6 are even FREE and there’s lots of carnival-style games for them to play, too!
(Michael likes his potatoes as tall as him, almost!)
There’s only 3 more, so GO!
The next weekend will be September 12, 13 and 14th. Tickets are available at the door as well as on-line. Get the rest of the info & your tickets by clicking HERE!
(*Disclosure: I was provided complimentary passes on behalf of this feature. All opinions, as always, are my own.)
Susan Cooper
August 18, 2014 at 9:52 amI’ve got to make a trip back down to so cal just to check out this event. You make this look like so much fun and the food looks great!
August 18, 2014 at 11:21 pmAwww, thanks, Susan! I am loving all the opportunities for fun LA events I’ve had lately
August 18, 2014 at 10:53 amThis sounds like so much fun! I love these street fair/market type events. Probably won’t make it this year, but maybe next season, we can meet up there?
August 18, 2014 at 11:20 pmDefinitely, Ann! We need a lunch date when you have a chance, too