A Trip to Trader Joe’s…

It’s no secret that I love Trader Joes. Since we moved, I admit I miss the old location we used to frequent, or I did, at-least, A LOT. When we were back in our old neck of the woods yesterday, I asked Mike if we could please pop in….& for under $50, I easily got enough food for a week.

When I first had to go gluten-free, their print out sheet of everything sans wheat & gluten at the store was my Bible, & they have come a long way since those early days. While some items have vanished from the shelves (like their Quiche on the frozen aisle….cheesy perfection, eggs & no wheat….never understood why they dis-continued it!) they have come out with plentiful to make up for the old faves….



This photo above, my friends, highlights my go-to’s when I’m at TJ’s. While I wish I was a better Vegetarian cook, my signature dish has always been their Organic Tofu Veggie Burgers; if you eat beef. they probably won’t taste like a burger to you, but, overlook that, & you’ve got yourself a full-bodied, tasty patty. Flavored with veggies, this is the perfect patty to flip on the skillet for 5-8 minutes on low to medium heat, then top with whatever your heart desires. Thus, why you also see their “Chunky Spicy” guacamole pictured; I usually prepare these burgers with Trader Joes Pepper Jack sliced cheese, stir-fried mushrooms & this guacamole, all on an Udi’s hamburger bun, which you can now buy at Trader Joes…we all know I love me my Udi’s Gluten Free brand.

While my most favorite fish from the meat department is their Cajun Salmon, it concerns me it is farm raised. There are many studies out there that the chemicals & toxins in farm-raised fish can outweigh its health benefits (This article is a good reference); & taking a look at the added pink coloring on the Cajun Salmon, vs. the natural color of wild caught, I try to get the latter a bit more. Above, is their wild-caught sockeye salmon, that I attempt to make perfect with herbs, lemon & oils. The taste is divine!

I have also discovered Soy-rizo as of late, & sometimes, it ain’t a cheap product to love, TJs has it for under $2 & its perfect in eggs or our home-made tacos 🙂


I have been really wanting to improve my diet & be a bit more healthy. I’ve heard how great coconut milk yogurt is, but have not had luck finding it, so you can imagine how exited I was to finally find some at TJs. I haven’t tried it yet but plan to try it as a light lunch or mid-day pick-me-up. And, how about this pea soup?! Gluten free & vegan, maybe we’ll try this with a grilled cheese or veggie burger.

And last but not least, Trader Joes has such an awesome selection of wines. With all there is to choose from, guess what still remains one of my favorites? Their “2 Buck Chuck”, Charles Shaw Wine. It’s up to $2.49, but, for me, it’s still worth it when I need a little treat with my meal.



Thanks to Working Mom Magic for her fun post on Trader Joes, which inspired this one! 😉 Are you near a Trader Joes? What are your favorite products? xo

(*Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with Trader Joes. I just love their stores & like to share their products with you!)


  1. Lauren

    January 12, 2015 at 2:53 pm

    I loved your post and thank you so much for the shout out! I am obsessed with meat substitutes.. and that soy chorizo looks amazing! I will def try it the next time I go! Have a wonderful week!

    1. AlongComesMary

      January 12, 2015 at 5:13 pm

      I was struggling for my Monday post, which is usually my foodie day, so thanks again!! =D xo

  2. Ann

    January 12, 2015 at 2:57 pm

    Oh yes, I love TJ’s too! I get their Frequent Flier in the mail & that’s my reading material for the night. Because of their great wine & beer selection, I have to limit my trips or I’d be spending $$ on beverages.
    I love to go there at lunch to pick up a salad or even a sushi plate. In fact, I think I’ll be doing that tomorrow!

    1. AlongComesMary

      January 12, 2015 at 5:11 pm

      LOL Ann, I feel less crazy now; I love to read my flier too & my boyfriend rolls his eyes!! 😉 They have a new grains salad I tried, it had quinoa on a bed of cabbage & it was great!

  3. Natalie Patalie

    January 12, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    I must admit that I’m not too familiar with the food at TJ’s 🙁 But I LOVE their chocolate covered espresso beans! They also have these green tea mints that I love. Yes, I’m so healthy, hahah!

    1. AlongComesMary

      January 13, 2015 at 4:58 pm

      OMG yes, I buy the green tea mints too!! =D Try the peanut butter cups, yummy!!

  4. Karla

    January 13, 2015 at 9:50 am

    In the summer, I love their popsicles, lime, strawberry and a couple other flavors. Low in calories and yummy on hot days and inexpensive.

    1. AlongComesMary

      January 13, 2015 at 4:59 pm

      I need to try those, Karla! 😉

  5. Susan Cooper

    January 13, 2015 at 10:15 am

    Ah, I LOVE Trader Joes too. I make my weekly (or more) trip there, but mine is usually for wine. Lol. Will have to try the coconut milk yogurt. I’m trying to add more yogurt to my diet in 2015. 🙂

  6. Kelly - A Side of Sweet

    January 13, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    TJ’s is almost always my first stop for everything – flowers, chocolate, cheese, snacks…..Love them!

    1. AlongComesMary

      January 13, 2015 at 4:58 pm

      Mmmm, cheese! 😉

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